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The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate. It was the pla...

Circular Mound - Constructed in the ninth year of Emperor Jiajing’s reign (1530)

Circular Mound - Constructed in the ninth year of Emperor Jiajing’s reign (1530)

Constructed in the ninth year of Emperor Jiajing’s reign (1530), the altar serve...

The Imperial Vault of Heaven - The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

The Imperial Vault of Heaven - The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

Built in the ninth year of Emperor Jiajing’s reign (1530) in a round shape with ...

Hall of Imperial Zenith - Divine Music Administration

Hall of Imperial Zenith - Divine Music Administration

The Hall of Imperial Zenith was the Vault of Heaven of the Altar of Praying for ...

Is It Safe to Travel to China?The answer is definitely: YES.

Is It Safe to Travel to China?The answer is definitely: YES.

Many travelers, especially the women and family with kids may have a question: i...

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