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Hetao Plain

Hetao Plain

The Yellow River traverses 9 provinces and autonomous regions, while the Great W...

Hexi Corridor

Hexi Corridor

The Hexi Corridor extends from Wushaoling Mountain in the east to Dunhuang city ...

Gobi Desert

Gobi Desert

The Great Wall's construction was tailored to the diverse landscapes it trav...

The ranking list of the top ten must visit attractions in Beijing has been released! Tiananmen Squar

The ranking list of the top ten must visit attractions in Beijing has been released! Tiananmen Squar

As the capital of China, Beijing is worth visiting in both tourism and other asp...

The top ten must visit attractions in Beijing are recommended. If you haven't visited half of them,

The top ten must visit attractions in Beijing are recommended. If you haven't visited half of them,

Beijing is no stranger to all of us. It is a thousand year old ancient capital a...

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