What do you know about this city?
As birthplaces to ancient Babylon, Egypt and India, regions around 30th parallel north have seen the most of ancient human civilizations and natural wonders.You have probably been to, heard of, or know nothing about a city that lies in the same circle of latitude—Chengdu.
Anyway, Chengdu is a city worth reading.

Things you should know
Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan, is located in Chengdu plains in the center of Sichuan basin. With an area of 12,100 square kilometers and a permanent population of 16.98 million, Chengdu is the fourth most populous city in China.
As a core player in trade and logistics, f inance, technology and transportation, and communication in western China, Chengdu is also an important base for hi-tech industries, modern manufacturing industries, modern service industries and modern agriculture.
Surrounded by humid subtropical climate, Chengdu enjoys f lat and watery lands, diversif ied natural environment and abundant resources. It has been referred as the land of abundance since ancient times.

Things you might konw
Chengdu, the first City of Gas t ronomy in As ia conferred by UNESCO, is now taking over dinner tables with Sichuan cuisine on a global scale.
Hundreds of thousands of teahouses a re found throughout the city. When the whole world is worrying about developing at top speed would sacrifice the essence of life, Chengdu easily maintains its balance between rapid development and casual living. For that, In 2014 to become the Chinese the most happiness city and most of city Cultural Soft Power.
Enjoying comfortable climate, fine ecosystem, and rich tourism resource, Chengdu is neighbor to some of the world natural heritages and attractions like the giant panda habitat, Nine-village Valley and Huanglong scenic area, and has been entitled Top 10 Best Tourist Destination in China by UNWTO.
One of every two laptop computers in the world is equipped with a processor chip on which it says Made in Chengdu.
With the presence of more than half of the Fortune 500 companies, Chengdu has been recognized by the World Bank as benchmark city for investment environment in inland China. Forbes names it as the World’s Fastest-Growing City of the next decade and Fortune calls it China’s Best City for Business.
Among cities in central and western China, Chengdu ranks No.1 in the number of foreign consulates and international air routes. It is also the fourth city nationwide and the f irst in central and western China to have implemented the policy of 72-hour visa-free transit.
With a civilization of 4500 years and a city history of 3100 years, Chengdu is the only city in China whose name and location have never been changed throughout the ages.
The sunbird, a gold foil unearthed from Chengdu Jinsha Relics, has been recognized by State Administration of Cultural Heritage as a symbol of China’s cultural heritage. Figure of the sunbird is shown even in the Great Wall and Forbidden City in Beijing.

Things you might not know
Jiaozi--the f irst paper money in the world, and the f irst government-run school and art academy all originated from Chengdu. Chengdu is the starting point of the famous Silk Road in southern China. In ancient times, Chengdu was the center of Chinese tea culture, painting, poetry and music, and was also an important cradle of Taoism.
Located in the suburbs of Chengdu are Dujiangyan Irrigation System and Mount Qingcheng which have been nominated as World Natural Heritage by UNESCO. Ancient great wall, built at the same period of time as Dujiangyan Irrigation System for the purpose of war, now serves with its relics as a tourist attraction. Built almost 2000 years ago, the Dujiangyan Irrigation System still nourishes the land of abundance and its people.
Approved as one of the f irst national historic and cultural cities by Chinese authorities, Chengdu has a number of historic sites and cultural sceneries, such as Wuhou Shrine, Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Yongling Mausoleum, Wangjiang Pavilion, Qingyang Palace, Wenshu Monastery, Ming Tomb of Shu King, and Zhaojue Temple, etc.
According to statistics, by September 2014 Chengdu has topped among Chinese cities with 113 museums (cl imbing), earning the reputation of the city of museums.Meanwhile, the number of art galleries and salons in Chengdu is well over 100 by 2014.
The fact that half of the top 10 most expensive Chinese modern oil painters come from Chengdu naturally crowns it the city of art.
By the year of 2020, Chengdu is aimed at becoming a cultural capital with profound inf luence in central and western China and in the world.
Like any city in the world, there are things rarely known about Chengdu. And we will introduce to you more about the secret side of Chengdu.