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Transport in Beijing

Transport in Beijing(图1)

Beijing Subway charges the ticket fare by distance. It is CNY 3 for the first 6 km, CNY 4 for 6 to 12 km, CNY 5 for 12 to 22 km, CNY 6 for 22 to 32 km, extra CNY 2 for every additional 20 km for distance over 32 km. There is no price cap. Discounts will be offered to frequent commuters. Those who spend more than CNY 100 a month on their Beijing Transportation Smart Card (a.k.a. Yikatong Card) can enjoy 20% off for the amount between CNY 100 and 150, and 50% off for the amount between CNY 150 and 400. (No discount for the amount over CNY 400.)

For more information about Beijing Subway, please call 96165.

Beijing Bus has a total of 1332 routes. Regular routes operate between 4:50 and 23:30, and night buses run from 23:20 to 4:50.

All routes are charged by distance. The minimum fee is CNY 2 for the first 10 km, and an extra CNY 1 is added every additional 5 km. Passengers paying by Beijing Transportation Smart Card enjoy a 50% discount on downtown buses.

For more information about Beijing Bus, please call 96196.

Railway stations: Beijing North Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station

How to buy railway tickets: 12306 website ( or the railway ticket offices

Vehicle rental service: based on the type of vehicles, it ranges from CNY 150 to 1,500 per day (not including the driver) for a car, around CNY 1,600 per day for a coaster bus (including the driver).

Taxi: CNY 13 for the first 3 km. For distances over 3 km, the fare is CNY 2.3 / km in the daytime, and CNY 2.76 / km from 23:00 to 05:00 the next day.

Shared bicycle APP ofo:

1. There is a deposit of CNY 99, which you can choose to get back whenever you decide to stop or suspend using ofo. Newly registered users can enjoy the first 5 rides for free.

2. Fares are charged by the hour. For ordinary users, the fare is CNY 1 per hour; students enjoy a discount at CNY 0.5 per hour.

3. In-app balance is refundable.

Customs clearance, inspection and quarantine:

Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, No. 54, 2010

(Regulations on customs inspection and release for the baggage and articles brought in by entry passengers)

To further enhance the transparency of Customs law-enforcement, facilitate passengers entry and exit, clarify tax collection and exemption stipulations on entry passengers' baggage and articles, and regulate and unify standards on Customs inspection and release, relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

I. China Customs authorities shall conduct duty-free Customs clearance for personal-use articles obtained abroad and brought in by resident passengers with a total value no more than CNY 5,000; and for personal-use articles brought in by non-resident passengers and to be retained in China's territory with a total value no more than CNY 2,000. Single variety of such articles shall be within the reasonable quantity for personal use. However, otherwise stipulations shall apply to tobacco products, alcoholic products and 20 kinds of commodities subject to import duties as required by the State.

II. As to personal-use articles worth over CNY 5,000, brought in by resident passengers and confirmed by China Customs authorities as for personal use and those worth over CNY 2,000, brought in by non-resident passengers and to be retained in China's territory, only the exceeding amount shall be subject to import duties; and as to inseparable single objects, full duties shall be levied.

III. Otherwise provisions shall apply with respect to the tax collection and exemption and the standards on Customs inspections and release for any baggage and articles of passengers under multiple entries/exits in a short term.

August 19, 2010

Joint Announcement No. 1712

of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

of the People's Republic of China

For the purpose of preventing animal and plant diseases and pests from spreading into the country, and protecting the production of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery as well as public health and safety, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine, Law of the People's Republic of China on Animal Epidemic Prevention and Seed Law of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine revised the Catalogue of Animals, Plants, Their Products, and Other Quarantine Objects Prohibited from being Carried or Posted into the People's Republic of China, which is hereby promulgated. The catalogue shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation, and the Announcement No.12 on Catalogue of Animals, Animal Products and Other Quarantine Objects Prohibited from being Carried or Posted into the People's Republic of China as promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in 1992 shall be annulled simultaneously.

January 13, 2012


Catalogue of Animals, Plants, Their Products, and Other Quarantine Objects Prohibited from being Carried or Posted into the People's Republic of China [1]

1. Animals and Animal Products

(1) Live animals (except dogs and cats [2]), including all mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and other invertebrates, animal genetic materials.

(2) (Raw or cooked) meat (including viscera) and its products; aquatic animal products.

(3) Milk and milk products of animal origin, including raw milk, fresh milk, yogurt; butter of animal origin, butter, cheese, and other dairy products.

(4) Egg and its products, including fresh egg, preserved egg, salted egg, egg liquid, eggshell, mayonnaise, and other egg source products.

(5) Bird's nest (except the canned bird's nest).

(6) Oil and fat, hide, hair, hoof, bone, horn and their products.

(7) Animal-derived feed (including meat powder, bone power, fish powder, whey powder, blood powder, and other single feed), Chinese herbal medicine of animal origin, fertilizer of animal origin.

2. Plants and plant products

(8) Fresh fruit and vegetable

(9) Tobacco leaf (excluding tobacco)

(10) Seed (seedlings), nursery stock and other reproductive plant material.

(11) Organic cultivation media

3. Others

(12) Fungus, poison, and other pathogenic agents from animals and plants; pests and other harmful organisms; biological materials such as cells, organs, blood, and their products.

(13) Dead animals, animal specimens, waste of animal origin.

(14) Soil.

(15) Genetically modified biological materials.

(16) Other animals, plants, their products, and other quarantine objects that are prohibited to enter by the country.

Note: 1. The animals, plants, their products and other quarantine objects that have obtained approval license from the competent Chinese administrative department, and quarantine certificate issued by the authorities of origin country or region, are exempted from this catalogue.

2. Dogs, cats, and other pets with a valid animal quarantine certificate and vaccination certificate issued by authority of the origin country or region; each person is granted to bring only one such pet.

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