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A Brief Introduction to Xi 'an City Wall

Xi'an, which was also known as Chang'an in ancient times, had been founded 3,100 years ago and set as a capital city 1,100 years ago. It is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization and Chinese nation. As the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, it is the origin of Chinese civilization going to the world.

A Brief Introduction to Xi an City Wall(图1)

Xi'an City Wall is the largest, best preserved and oldest ancient city wall in China. It inherits the historical context of the ancient Chang'an and also symbolizes the unique character of Xi’an.

Xi’an City Wall is one of the first batch of important heritage sites under state protection, national water scenic area and national 5A-class scenic spot. Besides, Xi’an City Wall adheres to respect, cherish and revive the wall, attaches great importance to the protection system of routine maintenance on the heritages and the promotion of integrated development between culture and tourism.

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