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Is it safe to travel to China?Safety and Security in China

Safety and Security in China  Is it safe to travel to China?

Is it safe to travel to China?Safety and Security in China(图1)

The answer is quick and easy, China is one of the safest countries to travel around. Guns and weapons  are strictly controlled in China, so you do not worry about it though it is a vast country with a population of 1.4 billion.

When you travel to China, you will see the train stations and airport with thousands people pushing. Don’r be panic, you will learn soon that you had to be quick and push if you grew up in a crowded state, otherwise you will never get your opportunity to do anything, which is so different from western culture.

Though China is a very safe country, you have to be careful about your belongings.
1. At railway station, it is suggested to watch your belongings well as many pick-pocket.
2. At the busy shopping street, it is suggested to put your backpack  in the front.
3. In the hotel, always lock your door when you leave the room.
4. Don’t leave anything valuable on the table at the restaurant when you go to lavatory.
5. When you go across the road, you have to know the cars never stop for passengers and right-turn cars can still go mostly when the traffic light for passengers is green.
6. You can leave your passport in the hotel safe if you do not need it during the travel day. It is really complicated if you lost your passport.
7.  There are many metros stations in the big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian, and Chengdu etc, you have to know your belonging will be checked by the machine before you board the metro train.
8. No knifes can be carried to the train.
9. Liquid is strictly controlled for the flight, you can only carry less 100 ml liquid.
10. You need your passport to be scanned for each hotel check-in.
11. Robbery is not often happened, but you still have to be careful when you go back your accommodation in the late night.
12. There are many illegal taxis which charge you more, please note the proper taxi that always has a TAXI sign and light on the top of the car.
13. When you go shopping, watch your belongings at the local market.

It is safe to travel around in China, particuilarly you join a tour group. Travel to China, it will make your life different!

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