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Notice on Improving the Palace Museum’s Timeslot-based Reservation Policy

To maintain authenticity and integrity of culture relics within the Palace Museum and ensure a smooth process for ticket checking and entry, the Palace Museum plans to further reduce visitor entry times in the principles of limiting the maximum number of visitors and implementing online reservation on a staggered manner, so as to alleviate crowds during peak hours and improve the visitor experience. Starting from November 1, 2023, the Palace Museum will improve its time-slot reservation policy and ticket inspection measures. Detailed information is as follows:

1. Ticket booking:

Reservations for the Palace Museum are divided into morning and afternoon sessions each day. Please book your visit for the desired timeslot through the Palace Museum’s official WeChat mini program.

2. Ticket inspection:

Visitors who have reserved the morning timeslot must have their tickets checked no later than 12:00 on the day of entry.

Visitors who have reserved the afternoon timeslot can have their tickets checked no earlier than 11:00 on the day of entry.

Please ensure you arrive at the museum at your reserved timeslot to guarantee your ticket is inspected and ensure a pleasant tour.

3. For further details on “Ticket Information,” please refer to our official ticket and exhibition reservation channel: The Palace Museum’s official WeChat mini program. Alternatively, you can contact the customer service hotline on 400-950-1925.

The Palace Museum

October 24, 2023

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