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Tiananmen Square+Forbidden City+Hutong(Beijing old ally)+Temple of Heaven+Huanghuacheng Great Wall+

Tiananmen Square+Forbidden City+Hutong(Beijing old ally)+Temple of Heaven+Huanghuacheng Great Wall+

Tour Code:STS004    From$236~776USD


Tiananmen Square+Forbidden City+Mutianyu Great Wall+Temple of Heaven+Summer Palace

Tiananmen Square+Forbidden City+Mutianyu Great Wall+Temple of Heaven+Summer Palace

Tour Code:STS003    From$236~786USD


Private Walking Tour to Tianan men square and Forbidden City private tour

Private Walking Tour to Tianan men square and Forbidden City private tour

Tour Code:STH001    From$26~108USD

Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City private tourToday the private tour with your...

Private Walking Tour to the temple of heaven

Private Walking Tour to the temple of heaven

Tour Code:STH002    From$27~109USD

You would left your hotel by public bus, subway or other means to the Temple of ...

Private Walking Tour to the Summer Palace

Private Walking Tour to the Summer Palace

Tour Code:STH003    From$25~107USD

The Summer Palace, the imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty in China, formerly kn...

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